Vis installerede objekter | Vis ikke-installerede objekter | Vis alle objekter
Enter the ProgId or ClassId of the component you want to test in the textbox below. If you leave it empty, the default components will be tested.
0. MSWC.AdRotator | not installed | |
1. MSWC.BrowserType | installed! | Link |
2. MSWC.NextLink | not installed | |
3. MSWC.Tools | not installed | |
4. MSWC.Status | not installed | |
5. MSWC.Counters | not installed | |
6. MSWC.PermissionChecker | not installed | |
7. IISSample.ContentRotator | not installed | |
8. IISSample.PageCounter | not installed | |
9. Persits.MailSender | installed! | |
10. Persits.Upload.1 | installed! | Link |
11. SMTPsvg.Mailer | not installed | |
12. POP3svg.Mailer | not installed | |
13. AspNNTP.Conn | not installed | |
14. AspHTTP.Conn | not installed | |
15. AspDNS.Lookup | not installed | |
16. AspImage.Image | not installed | |
17. AspSock.Conn | not installed | |
18. AspQMail.Mailer | not installed | |
19. AspSmartUpload.SmartUpload | not installed | |
20. AspFile.FileObj | not installed | |
21. AspConv.Expert | not installed | |
22. ImgSize.Check | not installed | |
23. Persits.Jpeg | installed! | |
24. AspCrypt.Crypt | not installed | |
25. ASPExec.Execute | not installed | |
26. AspInet.FTP | not installed | |
27. AspPing.Conn | not installed | |
28. ASPsvg.Process | not installed | |
29. GuidMakr.GUID | not installed | |
30. LastMod.FileObj | not installed | |
31. WaitFor.Comp | not installed | |
32. JMail.Message | installed! | |
33. JMail.SMTPMail | installed! | |
34. Socket.TCP | installed! | |
35. CDO.Configuration | not installed | |
36. CDO.Message | not installed | |
37. CDONTS.NewMail | not installed | |
38. SOFTWING.AspTear | installed! | |
39. PDFlib_com.PDF | not installed | |
40. Scriptlet.TypeLib | installed! | |
41. DHTMLEdit.DHTMLEdit | not installed | |
42. Browse.BrowseWM | not installed | |
43. Microsoft.XMLDOM | installed! | |
44. Msxml.DOMDocument | installed! | |
45. MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0 | installed! | |
46. MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0 | not installed | |
47. Microsoft.XMLHTTP | installed! | |
48. MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP | installed! | |
49. MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0 | not installed | |
50. ADOX.Catalog | installed! | |
51. MSWC.ContentRotator | not installed | |
52. MSWC.PageCounter | not installed | |
53. MSWC.IISLog | not installed | |
54. Scripting.FileSystemObject | installed! | |
55. WScript.Shell | installed! | |
56. WScript.Network | installed! | |
57. ADODB.Connection | installed! | |
58. ADODB.Command | installed! | |
59. ADODB.Recordset | installed! | |
60. Scripting.Dictionary | installed! | |
61. Scripting.Encoder | installed! | |
62. ASPFileUpload.File | not installed | |
63. SMUM.XCheck.1 | not installed | |
64. SoftArtisans.SAFile | not installed | |
65. SoftArtisans.FileManager | not installed | |
66. SoftArtisans.XFRequest | not installed | |
67. SoftArtisans.FileManagerTX | not installed | |
68. SoftArtisans.SASessionPro.1 | not installed | |
69. Softartisans.Archive | not installed | |
70. SoftArtisans.SMTPMail | not installed | |
71. Softartisans.ExcelWriter | not installed | |
72. SoftArtisans.Groups | not installed | |
73. SoftArtisans.Performance | not installed | |
74. SoftArtisans.RAS | not installed | |
75. SoftArtisans.Shares | not installed | |
76. SoftArtisans.User | not installed | |
77. w3sitetree.tree | not installed | |
78. w3.upload | not installed | |
79. w3.netutils | not installed | |
80. CDDBControl.CddbID3Tag | not installed | |
81. Bible.Lookup | not installed | |
82. Persits.Grid | not installed | |
83. Persits.AspUser | not installed | |
84. Persits.CryptoManager | not installed | |
85. ADISCON.SimpleMail.1 | not installed | |
86. CalendarCom.CalendarStuff | not installed | |
87. dgEncrypt.Key | not installed | |
88. dgFileUpload.dgUpload | not installed | |
89. dgReport.Report | not installed | |
90. dgSort.QuickSort | not installed | |
91. dgTree.Tree | not installed | |
92. Dundas.Mailer | not installed | |
93. Dundas.PieChartServer.2 | not installed | |
94. Dundas.Upload | not installed | |
95. EasyMail.SMTP.5 | not installed | |
96. Dynu.CreditCard | not installed | |
97. Dynu.DateTime | not installed | |
98. Dynu.DNS | not installed | |
99. Dynu.Exec | not installed | |
100. Dynu.Email | not installed | |
101. Dynu.Encrypt | not installed | |
102. Dynu.FileUtil | not installed | |
103. Dynu.FTP | not installed | |
104. Dynu.HTTP | not installed | |
105. Dynu.POP3 | not installed | |
106. Dynu.Ping | not installed | |
107. Dynu.TCPSocket | not installed | |
108. Dynu.StringUtil | not installed | |
109. Dynu.Upload | not installed | |
110. Dynu.Wait | not installed | |
111. Dynu.Whois | not installed | |
112. MP_Mikys_ASP.Password | not installed | |
113. S3Weather.Current | not installed | |
114. AuthNetSSLConnect.SSLPost | not installed | |
115. HexValidEmail.Connection | not installed | |
116. Hexillion.HexIcmp | not installed | |
117. Hexillion.HexLookup | not installed | |
118. Hexillion.HexTcpQuery | not installed | |
119. HexDns.Connection | not installed | |
120. ocxQmail.ocxQmailCtrl.1 | not installed | |
121. OCXHTTP.OCXHttpCtrl.1 | not installed | |
122. VASPTV.ASPTreeView | not installed | |
123. VASPLV.ASPListView | not installed | |
124. VASPMV.ASPMonthView | not installed | |
125. VASPTB.ASPTabView | not installed | |
126. ASPWordToy.WordToy | not installed | |
127. ASPTabToy.TabToy | not installed | |
128. aspZipCodeToy.ZipCodeToy | not installed | |
129. ASPCryptToy.CryptToy | not installed | |
130. Convert.t2h | not installed | |
131. APDocConv.Object | not installed | |
132. APWebGrabber.Object | not installed | |
133. APServer.Object | not installed | |
134. APSpool.Object | not installed | |
135. APToolkit.Object | not installed | |
136. shotgraph.image | not installed | |
137. IntrChart.Chart | not installed | |
138. IntrSQL.Query | not installed | |
139. IntrPWD.Validate | not installed | |
140. IntrCard.Credit | not installed | |
141. AspSmartImage.SmartImage | not installed | |
142. AspSmartChat.SmartChat | not installed | |
143. AspSmartFile.SmartFile | not installed | |
144. aspSmartMenu.SmartMenuPopUp | not installed | |
145. AspSmartDate.SmartDate | not installed | |
146. aspSmartMail.SmartMail | not installed | |
147. aspSmartCache.SmartCache | not installed | |
148. AspMX.Lookup | not installed | |
149. xAuthorize.Charge | not installed | |
150. acDesktop.Desktop | not installed | |
151. acNetwork.DNS | not installed | |
152. acSMTP.Smtp | not installed | |
153. Temperature.Conversion | not installed | |
154. cyScape.browserObj | not installed | |
155. dkQmail.Qmail | not installed | |
156. Geocel.Mailer | not installed | |
157. iismail.iismail.1 | not installed | |
158. SmtpMail.SmtpMail.1 | not installed | |
159. OpenX2.Connection | not installed | |
160. ABMailer.Mailman | not installed | |
161. c2geread.Message | not installed | |
162. C2G.SCM | not installed | |
163. C2GSCM.Service | not installed | |
164. C2G.SCAN | not installed | |
165. C2G.whois | not installed | |
166. c2g.http | not installed | |
167. C2G.Ping | not installed | |
168. C2G.Tracert | not installed | |
169. ANUPLOAD.OBJ | not installed | |
170. ASPXP.Mail | not installed | |
171. ActiveMessenger.Message | not installed | |
172. ActiveFile.Post | not installed | |
173. ActiveNavigator.Toolbar | not installed | |
174. ActiveProfile.Profile | not installed | |
175. DartZip.Zip.1 | not installed | |
176. Dart.Ftp.1 | not installed | |
177. Dart.Pop.1 | not installed | |
178. Dart.Ping.1 | not installed | |
179. Dart.Dns.1 | not installed | |
180. Dart.Smtp.1 | not installed | |
181. Dart.Telnet.1 | not installed | |
182. Dart.Http.1 | not installed | |
183. Dart.Tcp.1 | not installed | |
184. Dart.WebPage.1 | not installed | |
185. Dart.WebASP.1 | not installed | |
186. Dart.Message.1 | not installed | |
187. Dart.Manager.1 | not installed | |
188. quicktab.quicktabs | not installed | |
189. waspzip.waspzip | not installed | |
190. easyBarCode.aspBarCode | not installed | |
191. aspZip.EasyZIP | not installed | |
192. aspPDF.EasyPDF | not installed | |
193. aspCrypt.EasyCRYPT | not installed | |
194. objBarGraph.DrawChart | not installed | |
195. LyfUpload.UploadFile | not installed | |
196. lyfimage.image | not installed | |
197. ASPControlHost.Host | not installed | |
198. GSServer.GSServerProp | not installed | |
199. ASPPicture.Picture | not installed | |
200. COMobjectsNET.IconGrabber | not installed | |
201. COMobjects.NET.PictureProcessor | not installed | |
202. COMobjectsNET.PictureGalleryPro | not installed | |
203. COMobjectsNET.Colorizer | not installed | |
204. COMobjectsNET.PieChart | not installed | |
205. ChartDirector.API | not installed | |
206. Stonebroom.ASPointer | not installed | |
207. Stonebroom.ASP2XML | not installed | |
208. Stonebroom.RegEx | not installed | |
209. Stonebroom.RemoteZip | not installed | |
210. Stonebroom.SaveForm | not installed | |
211. Stonebroom.ServerZip | not installed | |
212. Stonebroom.XSLTransform | not installed | |
213. OpenX.DBMail | not installed | |
214. com.comsoltech.CGI | not installed | |
215. Datafun.FormBoy | not installed | |
216. AddressTools.ZIPCheck | not installed | |
217. AddressTools.EmailCheck | not installed | |
218. VisualSoft.Mail.1 | not installed | |
219. VisualSoft.BLOWFISHCrypt.1 | not installed | |
220. VisualSoft.FTP.1 | not installed | |
221. VisualSoft.HTTP.1 | not installed | |
222. VisualSoft.Chart.1 | not installed | |
223. VisualSoft.DMXML.1 | not installed | |
224. VisualSoft.DataAdmin.1 | not installed | |
225. QwerkSoft.FormSlam | not installed | |
226. SiteAdmin.AdminTools | not installed | |
227. SiteSecurity.Login | not installed | |
228. FileDownload.Manager | not installed | |
229. EasyDb.Database | not installed | |
230. AbsoluteHttp.Conn | not installed | |
231. ASPCharge.CC | not installed | |
232. ProjectDisplay.Charts | not installed | |
233. IPWorksASP.SOAP | not installed | |
234. IPWorksASP.FileMailer | not installed | |
235. IPWorksASP.FTP | not installed | |
236. IPWorksASP.HTMLMailer | not installed | |
237. IPWorksASP.HTTP | not installed | |
238. IPWorksASP.ICMPPort | not installed | |
239. IPWorksASP.IMAP | not installed | |
240. IPWorksASP.IPInfo | not installed | |
241. IPWorksASP.IPPort | not installed | |
242. IPWorksASP.LDAP | not installed | |
243. IPWorksASP.MCast | not installed | |
244. IPWorksASP.MIME | not installed | |
245. IPWorksASP.MX | not installed | |
246. IPWorksASP.NetClock | not installed | |
247. IPWorksASP.NetCode | not installed | |
248. IPWorksASP.NetDial | not installed | |
249. IPWorksASP.NNTP | not installed | |
250. IPWorksASP.Ping | not installed | |
251. IPWorksASP.POP | not installed | |
252. IPWorksASP.RCP | not installed | |
253. IPWorksASP.Rexec | not installed | |
254. IPWorksASP.Rshell | not installed | |
255. IPWorksASP.SMTP | not installed | |
256. IPWorksASP.SNMP | not installed | |
257. IPWorksASP.SNPP | not installed | |
258. IPWorksASP.Telnet | not installed | |
259. IPWorksASP.TFTP | not installed | |
260. IPWorksASP.TraceRoute | not installed | |
261. IPWorksASP.UDPPort | not installed | |
262. IPWorksASP.WebForm | not installed | |
263. IPWorksASP.WebUpload | not installed | |
264. IPWorksASP.Whois | not installed | |
265. IPWorksASP.XMLp | not installed | |
266. | not installed | |
267. Coalesys.CSPanelBar.2 | not installed | |
268. Coalesys.CSWebMenu.1 | not installed | |
269. TCPIP.DNS | not installed | |
270. | not installed | |
271. id3.id3get | not installed | |
272. Atrax.ComboBox | not installed | |
273. Atrax.URLGrabber | not installed | |
274. Atrax.Whois | not installed | |
275. SOFTWING.ASPEventlog | not installed | |
276. Softwing.EventLogReader | not installed | |
277. Softwing.AspQPerfCounters | not installed | |
278. AspTouch.TouchIt | not installed | |
279. Softwing.FileCache.1 | not installed | |
280. Softwing.LocaleFormatter | not installed | |
281. Softwing.MacBinary | not installed | |
282. Softwing.OdbcRegTool | not installed | |
283. Softwing.Profiler | not installed | |
284. AlphaSierraPapa.AspRegSvr | not installed | |
285. Softwing.VersionInfo | not installed | |
286. w3info.w3info.1 | not installed | |
287. SoftwingXSB.ShoppingBag | not installed | |
288. crossoft.quickcal | not installed | |
289. crossoft.wapsplash | not installed | |
290. crossoft.waplist | not installed | |
291. crossoft.remotescript | not installed | |
292. crossoft.quicklist | not installed | |
293. crossoft.quicktable | not installed | |
294. OneTouchASP.StrFunctions | not installed | |
295. ZmeYsoft.Hashes.MD5 | not installed | |
296. binarysendfile.BinFileSend | not installed | |
297. werkslib.mp3exp | not installed | |
298. TreeGen.Tree | not installed | |
299. Text2Tree150d.tree | not installed | |
300. ASPBarChart100d.chart | not installed | |
301. AspWebCal120d.webcal | not installed | |
302. ScriptUtils.ASPForm | not installed | |
303. ScriptUtils.ByteArray | not installed | |
304. ScriptUtils.Kernel | not installed | |
305. Scribe.ScribeDOM | not installed | |
306. ANPOP.POPMSG | not installed | |
307. ANSMTP.OBJ | not installed | |
308. ANUPLOAD.OBJ | not installed | |
309. VoiceShot.VoiceShot | not installed | |
310. SimplePageASP.SNPP | not installed | |
311. khttp.inet | not installed | |
312. OCXHTTP.OCXHttpCtrl.1 | not installed | |
313. URLFetch.URLFetch | not installed | |
314. Dundas.Mailer | not installed | |
315. Dundas.Mailer.1 | not installed | |
316. Dundas.PieChartServer.1 | not installed | |
317. Dundas.Upload | not installed | |
318. Dundas.Upload.2 | not installed | |
319. Dundas.ChartServer | not installed | |
320. Dundas.ChartServer2D.1 | not installed | |
321. ABCUpload4.XForm | not installed | |
322. ABCpdf3.Doc | not installed | |
323. ImageGlue5.Canvas | not installed | |
324. ImageEffects.FX | not installed | |
325. ABCDrawHTML.Page | not installed | |
326. ABCCrypto2.Crypto | not installed | |
327. MetaFiler2.File | not installed | |
328. XceedSoftware.XceedZip | not installed | |
329. Xceed.BinaryEncoding | not installed | |
330. Xceed.Base64Encoding | not installed | |
331. Xceed.Encryption | not installed | |
332. Xceed.TwofishEncryptionMethod | not installed | |
333. Xceed.HavalHashingMethod | not installed | |
334. XceedSoftware.XceedFtp | not installed | |
335. Xceed.StreamingCompression | not installed | |
336. Xceed.DeflateCompression | not installed | |
337. Persits.Pdf | installed! | Link |
338. Chili.POP3.1 | not installed | |
339. Chili.Upload.1 | not installed | |
340. MSWC.MyInfo | not installed | |
341. OWC.Spreadsheet | not installed | |
342. Excel.Application | not installed |
Der er installeret 24 objekter.