Jørns ASP links


html.dk's ASP tutorial
Glimrende tutorial for begyndere
Dansk-sproget FAQ
w3schools: ASP Tutorial
Learn ASP
Masser af gode eksempler for både begyndere og viderekomne
HotScripts.com ASP Tips and Tutorials
Microsoft: ASP Tutorial
Microsoft Internet Information Services
Herunder bl. a. ASP Built-In Objects Reference



MSDN: Windows Script
MSDN (Visual Interdev): Client and Server Scripting in Web Pages
MSDN: Using Remote Scripting

VB Script

MSDN: VBScript
Reference for VBScript kan ses her eller downloades som Help File (.chm) herfra.


MSDN: JScript
W3C DOM Compatibility Table
Knud Gerts webdesignhjælp
Alt.: Hjælp til Hjemmesider
JavaScript FAQ
Javascript Rounding
Javascript Index
The JavaScript Source
Web Developers Virtual Library




w3schools.com: SQL Tutorial
Interactive/On-line SQL Tutorial with SQL Interpreter & live practice database
Advanced / Intermediate Interactive/On-line SQL Tutorial with SQL Interpreter & live practice database
For viderekomne
James Hoffman: Introduction to Structured Query Language (Version 4.76)
Alt. links:
Version 4.54--Now includes Practice Questions
Version 3.01
Se også versionen i PDF-format
ASP Alliance: Free SQL Tutorials
+ en række SQL-links


w3schools.com: ADO Tutorial
Carl Prothman: ADO connection strings

ADOX (ADO Extensions)

Microsoft MSDN Library: ADO Extensions for Data Definition Language and Security (ADOX)
Herunder: ADOX API Reference, ADOX Object Model [Alt. 1], ADOX Code Examples
4GuysFromRolla.com: Working with ADOX

Access database

MVPS: The Access Web
Terry Wickenden: Conquer Access RunCommand Constants
Microsoft: ACC2000: Reserved Words in Microsoft Access
Microsoft: ACC2002: Reserved Words in Microsoft Access
Microsoft: ACC: Reserved Words in Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access 1.0, Microsoft Access 1.1, Microsoft Access 2.0, Microsoft Access for Windows 95 7.0, Microsoft Access 97
DevArticles.com: Eric Beck: MS Access: Tables, Views and Procedures

MySQL database

Det officielle site for MySQL.
DevArticles: Using MyODBC To Access Your MySQL Database Via ASP

SQL Server

SQLTeam.com: FAQ

Excel regneark

Microsoft: Manipulate Excel Spreadsheet Data in ASP Using ADO
4 Guys from Rolla: Creating Excel Spreadsheets with Office Web Components (OWC)
Mig selv: Excel i ASP


Rich Text Format (RTF)

WikiPedia (en.)
Microsoft: Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, version 1.9.1 (Word 2007) (i .doc og .docx-format)
Microsoft: Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, version 1.8 (Word 2003) (pakket .exe)
ysagnier.free.fr: Microsoft Office Word 2003 Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, version 1.8 (PDF)
latex2rtf.sourceforge.net: Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification,version 1.6 (Word 2000) (HTML)
ysagnier.free.fr: Rich Text Format (RTF) Version 1.5 Specification (Word 97) (HTML)
How to ...
Microsoft: How to use ASP to generate a Rich Text Format (RTF) document to stream to Microsoft Word
pindari.com: RTF - Rich Text Format - Simple tutorial
pindari.com: RTF - Rich Text Format - working with fonts and tabs
pindari.com: RTF - Rich Text Format - working with tables
SitePoint Forums: Adding Images to RTF documents using ASP
Egne eksperimenter
Skriv RTF med ASP
Udskriv fra database, sidehoved og -fod, indsætte billeder


Scriptframework, der gør det muligt at generere PDF-filer uden server-komponent. FPDF er omskrevet fra PHP.
Siden er på italiensk, men man skal kun bruge download-siden. Dokumentationen kan man bruge fra PHP-versionen, på fpdf.org, som er engelsk-sproget.

COM objects

Microsoft: Using Scriptlets as COM Components in ASP
HotScripts.com: Component Building


Mail i ASP

Dimac.net: w3JMail v 4.5
Se også:
WebWizGuide.info: ASP Web Based Email Using Dimac w3 JMail Tutorial
15 Seconds: Component Products : JMail



MS Knowledge Base: KB Q238163 – HOWTO: Implement Nested Transactions with ADO and SQL Server



XML Articles on 4Guys and the Web!
Herunder en XML-tutorial: Getting Started with XML
XML101.com: XML Tutorial


web-dave dot com: PWS 4 and Windows Millenium: peaceful coexistance?


ASP Sites

ASP Resource Index
Alt. url: activeserverpages.dk
Netcoders' ASP sektion
Resource for Microsoft Collaboration Data Objects (CDO)
Cover Your ASP
Alt.: Mirror
Din søgemaskine til ASP/VB programmering på nettet
HotScripts.com: ASP Categories
Se også: ASP Scripts and Components eller ASP Tips and Tutorials


Inspiration og eksempler

ActiveDeveloper.dk: Kalender

Rekursive og iterative funktioner

WWW Coder: Recursive Sub-Procedures
This tutorial explains how to do recursive subroutines in ASP (VBScript). Use this algorithm to create threaded discussions, directories, or whatever use you have for it.
HTML.dk: Tråde med rekursiv funktion
15 Seconds: Recursive Functions
Alt. url: Tutorialized.com
4GuysFromRolla: Recursion, why it's cool.

Diverse objekter

asp101.com: Peter Persits: Upload Files with Your Browser in 2 Lines of Code
DanDomain.dk: Support - ASP-scripts - AspImage
AlphaSierraPapa.com: AspTear Component


Tips m.v.

Google: Jørn Andersen m. fl.: Lidt begynderhjælp
Google: Hvordan laves < ved hver 50. tegn når man citerer?
MSDN: 25+ ASP Tips to Improve Performance and Style
15 Seconds: Tips to Improve ASP Application Performance
Google: Lauritz Jensens Dato-funktion (DateToSql)
Google: Oprunding af tal til nærmeste hele tal
TAG Consulting: Sending Binary Data from ASP
With just a few lines of code, we can not only push binary data directly from ASP, but also force the user to save the document onto their hard drive.
TAG Consulting: Identifying Your New Records
How To: Retrieve the Id of a newly created record
ActiveDeveloper.dk: Paging af et recordset
Test installerede komponenter
Et lille ASP-script, der tester om en række gængse komponenter er installeret. Man kan selv tilføje flere til listen. I .zip-format.
Vis eksempel



AspFaq.com: Why do I get database-related 80004005 errors?
Godt sted at starte med 80004005-fejl.
ASPFaqs: I am using Access and getting a 80004005 error ...
Microsoft (Google): INFO: Troubleshooting Guide for 80004005 and Other Error Messages
Microsoft: INFO: Troubleshooting Guide for 80004005 Errors in Active Server Pages and Microsoft Data Access Components – [ alt. ]



Microsoft: ASP.NET Web: The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site
Den officielle ASP.NET portal med mange artikler og komponenter
Microsoft: Microsoft .NET Framework Software Development Kit
131 MB
ASP 101: ASP.NET Lessons
Nogle enkelte tutorials at begynde med
IBuySpy Portal
Komplet portal/butik med al sourcekode til frit gennemsyn
Microsoft: NET Framework Developer's Guide – Forms Authentication Using An XML Users File
Enkle, men detaljerede eksempler - Quick Start
Et community med eksempler og artikler
Et ret omfattende bibliotek af eksempler
Lille dansk ting, endnu kun med nogle få artikler
GotDotNet: .NET Framework Class Browser
Katalog over klasser/namespaces i .NET
Microsoft: ASP.NET QuickStart Tutorial
Ser umiddelbart grundig ud.


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Senest opdateret 28.3.2009